Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Preparations Pt. One (Logistics)

It's hard to describe the feelin' ya get when you see the love of your life dead. All of your memories of them flood your senses and you are left with a hollow feelin' deep inside your soul. As I followed the vulture to the tree, I hoped and prayed that this was wrong, that my Steven was alive somewhere, pickin' daisy's for me. As I peeked over the casket wall and saw my beloved Steven layin' there, broken and deformed; I could not help but become overwhelmed with sorrow. My very soul sank lower than it ever has before and the only comfort in that moment, was the soft moss between my large toes.
"Yes that is him." Was all I could say.
"I am so sorry for your loss, you have my deepest sympathy."
"Thank you."
"Now if you would please follow me so we can take care of the preparations."
He lead me to a fallen tree that had four vultures sitting on top of it, talking among themselves. "Excuse me gentlemen. This fine bunny has recently lost a loved one. Can we notify the moles to begin digging the grave? Thank you." And with that, the vultures flew away. "Now miss rabbit, we have many packages to chose from. We have the redwood vista, the bidford bluff, the crawford stream..." I could no longer focus on the words he was sayin'. I had no interest in those packages and neither did Steven. Though we seldom disgust it, when did agree that we would be buried in the meadow just north of our burrow. I always pictured us dyin' together, old and gray, weathered and weary; wise from the litters of kits that we raised. Slowly walkin' by the creek where we would let the kits play. As the seasons rolled by, our bones with get more stiff and troublesome, until finally one day we rest our heads never to wake up, bein' flooded by peace that we lived a grand ol' simple life. But all that is gone, all of those ideals, ruined. It isn't just Steven that I am burying, it is my future and my life.
I finally had to speak up. "Mister Vulture, all these packages sound rather lovely, but I would like to burry Steven in the meadow just north of our burrow, if that is alright?"
The vulture looked confused and with a rather deep voice said "Yes, that would be fine."

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